BF and I hear this noise, which wakes us up – check the time – 3:50am this morning...
Then another noise – like a bang
BF gets up to look outside the window (coz it sounds like its coming from the road?) But he cant see anything.
We hear a crash sound, or a smash sound. I get up to look out the window too.
Then we see this car – looking very dodgy on the street next to Ultra liquors (see drawing)
The car was driving around the corner very slowly and stopped.
We saw two guys running in the premises by Ultra Liquor. By this stage the alarm started going off.. Pew pew pew booop booop booop....
We were like – no ways – what the hell is going on.
For some reason the sound carries really well to our flat.
Because of where we are positioned, we are the only ones that can see the premises. Trees block other people’s view.
The dodgy car reverses back down the road next to Ultra liquors.
Two guys jump back over the fence – towards the car, with a white bin bag size bag.
As they put the stuff in the boot, a policecar turns into the road.
I think the policecar was simply there on a routine check because it was too soon for someone to have called them.
So then the driver accelerates, the dudes scatter in different directions.
The police car chases the dodgy car.
Three minutes or so later more police cars are all over the place. Chubb (SECURITY COMPANY) only arrives about 10 minutes later.
By this stage there is a lot of excitement (Detective Hoskins and BF) and a lot of noise outside.
A bunch of police cars and the person managing the Ultra liquors park in the parking lot.
BF and I then debate whether we should report everything we saw etc.
So we decide to meet the police at Ultra and tell them about our eye witness account.
Real exciting stuff.
It took about an hour or so to give them our statement, for them to write it down etc.
From my bedroom window we could see in which directions the other guys ran.
Great thing though -
They caught the driver!
The dodgy car was not a stolen one and did in fact belong to the driver.
The manager at Ultra gave us a couple red bulls.
(it was now about 6am)
The robbers had stolen (or attempted to steal) cartons of cigarettes... Light to carry and worth about R250 a pop these days.
But these were recovered.
Many more cigarette cartons were in a duvet cover in the shop – abandoned.