South African Artisanal Beer

As much as I am a wine drinker, I equally love good beer.
I can often be found hanging out at &union drinking a berne, sipping on a Jack Black at The Grand, enjoying a weiss at Paulaner or sipping on a Slow Beer at festivals like Pinotage on Tap and so forth.
I unashamedly drank two litres of stout at the SAB bierfest – much to the horror of Mr fabulosity who says in a sarcastic tone: 'classsssy' whenever he sees me putting back the pints (they don't call me 'shameless aimless' for nothing).
It might be that Zimbabwean blood... but either way, I am a beer drinker.
And as such, I am most looking forward to the Cape Town International Beer festival, where I will get to sample vast amounts of top local and international labels (micro and commercial).
So for the November issue of Horizons I was asked to write a travel story on micro-breweries around the country – showcasing a few breweries in different areas where readers would be able to tour the brewery, taste the beers, and stay over nearby.

If you happen to be a beer drinker or are simply interested in how the microbrewery culture in SA is growing, have a read, and let me know of any other great micro-breweries you may come across :-)

Click on the sections of the article to enlarge and read*
